Essential Oil Candle - Boxed Gift Set
MEDIATION Candle Gift Set
Our two Best-Selling Essential Oil Candles known to calm the mind and soothe anxiety.
Mindfully packaged in an elegant matte box, our gift sets are designed to be the perfect gift for friends and family who need to create a little time for themselves.
Would you like this gift-wrapped?
Let us handle that for you.
We use recycled kraft paper, tied with natural cotton twine & finished our signature red wax seal.
Looking for other fragrances?
Contact us. We’d be happy to make you a custom gift-set
Make them Smile
Made with intention. Given with love.
We belive in the power a thoughtful gift to raise someone's spirits.
Here at MIZU we pride ourselves on providing thoughtful experiences that delight the recipient from the moment of unboxing to the feeling of the products inside.
FSC Certified packaging & Customizable Gift Wrap
100% Natrual
Crafted from nature, our fragrances are made from simple, trusted ingredients;
Pure essential oils, botanical extracts and organic carriers.
Our work creates a gentle, peaceful aroma to reconnects you with the beauty of nature.