It all started with a bow-tie
MIZU was launched in 2011 by Mason Hainey in an effort to fill the gap of unique, well-crafted bow ties.
I started MIZU in 2011, as a 19 year old college student. At the time, I was a sophomore in art school with plans of becoming some sort of fine art painter / illustrator hybrid. Like many at that age... I was searching for what to do with my life, but I had no real aim of entering into the fashion world. I've always loved fashion ( my first dream job in 3rd grade was to become a designer ) but at the time, I had given up on any idea of making a career of it.
Until one day at the mall, I was searching high and low for a bow-tie that wasn't some bias striped silk that you could find at any department store. I came up empty ( shocking ). It was on the bus ride home that a friend said "why don't you just make one?". This was a light-bulb moment. I sat there shocked of my own ignorance -- and replied " Yes! I'm crafty, I should do that !"
So, I set off to the Salvation Army on Adler street, bought 3 vintage floral dresses, cut them up and sewed a few rough bow ties on the sewing machine my grandmother gave me for Christmas in 2001.
I wore those ties everywhere and everyday. They became my signature, and the people in my town were beginning to recognize me for it ( one of the advantages of living in a small city ). Soon, others started asking where I bought my ties and where they could get them. So, I started selling bow ties on the streets outside my college. I stitched them of all up-cycled clothes and vintage fabrics, and were selling out each month -- even selling them off my own neck on occasion. By late 2011, MIZU was in full force and ready to take on the world.
From there our path has taken many twists and turns,... from moving to NYC to grow our fashion business, to seamlessly transitioning into fragrance as a vehicle of spiritual expression. Through the years, the one thing that has remained constant through is my passion for innovation and bringing delight into your world though responsible, quality designs.
If you've purchased from MIZU, past, present or future -- Thank you. Your support empowers us to continue innovating and creating with passion